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Farm, Nature & Forest School School for Children

"Come play outside with me,

where the tall grass grows, and the fishes swim.

Where there's endless creative possibilities!

Come play outside with me.

Where the seeds sprout, and the buds hibernate,

where endless snow fights await!

Come play outside with me."

What is Farm & Nature School? Read about it here!


Our programs now run under the Wild Fauna Nature Play umbrella.

Please visit their website for current & future program offerings. 

Nature-Rooted Outdoor Learning Workshops

Looking for a facilitator to run a workshop on Nature-Rooted outdoor learning and/or experience?

Whether for a group of students or for your teachers, educators and/or early childhood educators (RECEs & ECEs), Stefany offers personalized workshops for people of all ages.

Stefany has designed and led Nature-Rooted outdoor learning experiences & Forest Bathing Therapy workshops for students, teachers, and educators for both the Ottawa Catholic District School Board (OCDSB) and the Conseil des ecoles catholique du centre-east (CECCE).

In partnership local non-profit businesses, such as Earth Path Programs, Stefany has led adults & students alike in Forest School & Forest Bathing experiences since 2021.

What is Farm & Nature School

What is Farm & Forest School

Nature & Forest School is an all-year around outdoor educational program. Learning happens through the natural sciences of the rhythms of the seasons. It is through observation, active listening, fostering curiosity & child-lead play that learning through these changes will happen in the Nature. Mother Nature is the teacher, and we are her students.


We believe in letting children’s curiosities and interests lead the way.

This is also why school’s attendance is at a low ratio.


Throughout the program, children will be guided through hands-on learning that may also look like:

  • Farm animals caring and the different stages of growth

  • Land & animal tending through the different seasons

  • Coexisting with Wildlife

  • Plant identification, foraging and making natural medicines

  • Animal Tracking

  • Fire building

  • Shelter Building

  • Wood crafting

  • Gardening


“Let us go forth with our pupils into the child’s natural laboratory where, together, we may find the birds and insects of the air, the living animals of field and wood, the trees and flowers and shrubs, the water and the earth, the sun and other stars – things which will attract and hold the child’s eye, arouse his wonder, stimulate his inquiries, and give him opportunities for discovery.” – J. A. Patridge (Natural Science Through the Seasons – 1955)


Our school's philosophy is based on much of the same philosophies & benefits outlined in Forest Schools’ programming. 


“There are a few common threads that help define what Forest School is:

  • It takes place entirely outside, all year round, in all weather (except for dangerous weather conditions like extreme temperatures, extreme winds, or thunderstorms)

  • It supports the holistic development and needs of the participants

  • It's learner-led and includes time for free exploration and play 

  • It promotes appropriate levels of risk-taking, like climbing trees, fire lighting, and using tools”

~ (Forest Schooled, 2018)

Why Nature & Forest School?


  • It’s an opportunity for children to build individual resilience, self-confidence & trust within themselves through risky-play in Nature. 2020-2021 has shown us that navigating the unexpected, and building resiliency, is a much needed life skill to have.


  • It’s an opportunity for children to expand individual awareness of environmental impacts, where food comes from, and their connection & appreciation to nature & its living beings. This through their growing understanding & appreciation for the ecosystem, its diversity & trust in the science of Nature’s life-cycles.


  • Ongoing studies have proven the benefits & importance of empowering children through:


  • Child-led learning through free-play & curiosity, without the overinvolvement of adult intervention (Peter Gray, 2013; J. A. Patridge, 1955; Outdoor Play Canada)

  • Time spent outdoors which in turn provides a whole-holistic health (Richard Louv, 2008)

  • Spending time in gardens & with animals - as there is a persuasive amount of evidence of the benefits & therapeutic value of this. (Richard Louv, 2008)


“nature experiences “help children understand the realities of natural systems through primary experience. They demonstrate natural principles such as networks, cycles, and evolutionary processes. They teach that nature is a uniquely regenerative process.” An appreciation of these patterns is essential in fostering creativity, which of course is not the sole domain of the arts, but of science and even politics.” ~ Richard Louv (2008)

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