The Hatching Experience
Always wanted to hatch your own chickens? Can't keep the chickens after?
Want to do this experience with your class, daycare, camp group?
This is your first hatching experience & you need some hand-holding & a private community to do this with?
You are in the Ottawa & surrounding areas region?
Then this experience is for you!
If you want to do this as a family, join us this Spring!
If you are interested in The Hatching Experience for your group or class, please see our group brochure here.
Word on the street ...
You have always wanted to hatch little fluff bums but your situation does not allow you to keep chickens? You want the experience without the long-term commitment?
If you are looking to do a hands-on experience, this is a great opportunity to learn about chickens from fertilization until hatching and beyond! If you are a homeschooling family, add this experience to your secular curriculum! In addition to the great experience of seeing chickens hatch for yourself, the purpose of this program is to also learn further about backyard farming & farm-to-table.
Join me in learning all about chickens!
We will provide everything you absolutely need + hold your hand through it, step-by-step!
In order to make this experience as personalized as possible, there are only 6 spots available per month!
Here's what is included:
The entire equipment is lent to you
You will receive the incubator, the egg rotator, the heating pad, the chick feeders, the chick feed & the 12 fertilized eggs the Wednesday night, before the program is scheduled to start.
3 zoom calls
We will meet online for 1-hour chats, 3 times during the experience (see schedule below). This will be a time to further learn about fertilization of the egg up until hatching. We will also talk everything chicken: What they need in order to thrive & grow;
What the difference between a hen & a rooster is; The different types of colored eggs & why; Plus lots more! These are interactive & participation is very much encouraged!
Step-by-step guide & bonus resources
1 week before the program starts you will receive access to the entire online program, where all the detailed information on how to hatch your chickens is provided! You will also be given access to additional ressources that you can use if you wish to further your education about chickens.
Private Online Community
You will also be added to an online private group where you can connect with others along the same journey. In fact, we encourage it! Throughout the experience, you can ask questions in the private group, share pictures, share your excitement, etc.!
The Commitment for Families:
The program runs for 28 days as it takes between 21-23 days to hatch chickens. You must be available to make sure the eggs are rotating well during 17 days, and then be available during the hatching period days 18-23. Travelling during this time is not recommended, unless you have someone house/pet sitting for you. In addition, moving the eggs after incubation as started, from one place to another is also discouraged.
You must be available to pick-up the package and drop off the cleaned equipment & chicks, on the day & time indicated in the below schedule, in Ottawa East End (Beacon Heights). If those dates/times do not work with your schedule, you can send someone on your behalf.
The zoom calls are not mandatory, but are highly recommended - especially during candling phases. Questions are inevitable, and it's the perfect time to ask them all. Zoom calls will not be recorded.
In addition to the program cost, a refundable deposit of $50 will be owed on or before the equipment is initially lent. This is a retainer for liability of any damages occurred to the equipment lent. The $50 will be refunded within 48 hours following drop-off & inspection of the equipment is performed. We are lending you this equipment in good faith and rely on your careful care and handling.
The Commitment for Groups (schools, daycare, camps, etc.)
The program runs for 28 days as it takes between 21-23 days to hatch chickens. You must be available to make sure the eggs are rotating well during 17 days & the humidity is at level. Then you must be available during the hatching period days 18-23.
You must be able to access your school, daycare or your office at least once during the weekend to ensure all is in working order, the eggs are rotating well and the humidity is at level.
If you are interested in The Hatching Experience for your group or class
please consult our group brochure for all the info!
We limit group experience to 2 groups a program/month.
Spring 2025 Program
Be the first to know when registration are live, by signing up to our wait-list:
*Please read your commitment thoroughly, in the above section, before signing up.*
Have your own equipment & fertilized chicken eggs, but you would like the support?
Get access to the entire step-by-step program package;
Extra fun resources;
3 virtual calls (see dates above);
Online community for extra support
Join us virtually, and follow along with us this Spring

Common Q&As
Do I have to be available 24/7
No. Your commitment consist of making sure the eggs are turning well; and candling the eggs on Day 4, Day 10 & Day 17. Otherwise, you can sleep soundly at night knowing that you don't have to get up at 3am.
Can I go on vacation during this time?
I don't recommend going away for a long period of time during the 27 days. You will need to check on the eggs; make sure the rotator is doing it's job; candle to evaluate the growth; and be available in case of a power outage (we will talk about what to do if this happens). Ultimately, this is your decision, but the hatch rate does depend on your commitment. Think of it as a commitment to babysit a house pet for the month. Also, I do not recommend moving the eggs/incubator once it's set-up; and so ...
Can I bring the incubator with me on vacation/while I'm away?
Not a good idea. Transporting growing baby chicks in an egg is a delicate thing, and so is the shell. It can crack during transportation, and once an egg has the slightest crack, the egg is compromised and no longer viable. Also, taking eggs out of the incubator for a long period of time interferes with the heat they need to grow properly. I wouldn't chance it and don't recommend it.
Do I have to attend all the zoom calls?
Not necessarily, but based on experience & feedback from participants, the zooms are extremely helpful - especially the zoom calls #2 & #3. Those are the ones where we go through the important visuals and discussions around egg viability, how to prepare for hatching and what to expect, etc. Plus, zoom interactions are way more fun when participants are there :)
Know that you will be provided with lots of extra resources and visuals to support you; as well as access to me (Stef) privately for personalized questions and support. The zoom calls are not recorded.
A few of us (families) would like to get together to do this as a group. Is that an option?
In the past I have accepted group experiences to sign up through this program, and they have resulted in a very poor hatch rate leaving both myself & the participants quite disappointed with the outcome. I cannot speak to the exact science as to how & why that happened; but I believe this program is best done 1 per family. Therefore, I do not recommend you combine with others so that everyone can have the best experience & outcome.
Group experiences are best done through catered needs and availabilities; and so if you are interested in doing this program for your school and/or camp, please reach out by email & we can personalize an experience for you separately.
Can I keep the chickens longer?
No. This program was designed for those who would otherwise not be able to keep backyard chickens. The chicks must be returned on the schedule date & time as mentioned in the schedule above. You will have a few days to enjoy them post-hatch before they are do to return.
Can I keep the chicks permanently?
If you want this option, please reach out to discuss.
Can I hatch my own purchased fertilized eggs?
If you are committing to keeping the chickens afterwards, then yes, that's not a problem. The pricing of the experience is the same; but after registration, make sure to send us an email at hello@yourhealingcircle.com to let us know!
Can I still participate if I have house cats & dogs?
You can certainly participate if you have a space where you can keep your incubator/chicks away from your house pets. This can be a separate bedroom where you can keep the door closed, or even a walk-in closet! All you need is a plug, good air flow & a sturdy surface to put the incubator on. You know your pets' behavior's best.
What happens to the chicks after they are returned?
We have partnered with 2 local family-owned & operated farms that are passionate about ethical farming practices. They ensure the utmost care of their animals while at their farm.
This is thoroughly discussed during our zoom calls, but the general answer is that the chicken breeds that you will be hatching are what we call: "Heritage Breeds", which means that most of their customers buy their chicks to have a variety of egg colors in their flocks (#rainboweggs), feather colors, personalities, life span & more. There is a difference between "backyard mix" (a factory producing breeds) & Heritage Breed - which we discuss during our zoom calls. That said, we unfortunately cannot say exactly what happens to the chicks once they are sold off to their clients.
There's a disconnect around farming principles & understanding of the livelihood of a chicken's survival based on many factors. When we bring an animal into the world, there are ethics to be considered. Please know that I will be discussing these ethics during our zoom calls. The discussions are designed to be kid friendly; but please be aware that this might spark further questions from the child(ren).